Mand Labs Magic of LED Kit, V2
- Grades: K-8
- Number of Students: 1 per Kit
- Number of Lessons/Experiments: 5
- Contact Hours: 1
- Additional Resources: N/A
The Magic of LED kit is designed to exclusively introduce young children to real-world electronics through a series of 5 interesting projects based on LEDs, buzzer, transistors and capacitors. Using the kit, users can do “an hour of electronics” in homes or classrooms.
Projects in the Box:
- Glow an LED
- Beep a Buzzer
- Creating a Flash Using a Capacitor
- Touch-Activated Switch
- Automatic Night Lamp
What’s included:
- Mini breadboard
- LEDs (R/G/B/O)
- Capacitors (100 𝝻F, 1000 𝝻F)
- Resistors(100R, 330R, 1k, 100M)
- LDR, jumpers (4 sizes)
- Transistors (NPN)
- Digital step-by-step guides (for download)
- Circuit schematics
- 9V carbon-zinc battery
- Battery connector