The Empowering Parents Grant is a State of Idaho Program
STEMfinity is honored to be an approved vendor for such a great program, providing Idaho students from grades K-12 access to funds that can be used to purchase educational goods and services, directly controlled by families. Each eligible family will have access to $1,000 per eligible student.
Idaho parents and guardians are facing many challenges as they try to help their students recover from learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant support is available to help Idaho students from Kindergarten through grade 12 whose education has been disrupted by the pandemic. The Empowering Parents program provides resources to help parents improve their students’ learning.

Who Can Apply?
If you are a parent or guardian of an Idaho student(s) in grades kindergarten through grade 12, attending a public, private, or is homeschooled, YOU CAN APPLY FOR THESE FUNDS
Eligible Families
Receive a credit for $1,000 per child up to $3,000 per family to be used in the Empowering Parents online marketplace.
Once the account is created and eligibility verified, monies are deposited into the awardees account and are available to be spent over a 24 month period.
Eligible purchases include computers and technology, internet access, instructional materials, tutoring services, and educational services and therapies through approved vendors in the Empowering Parents online marketplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will this program help students?
COVID-19 disrupted student learning across the state. As parents and guardians try to help their students recover from this learning loss, idaho students need access to additional supports necessary to meet their individual learning needs. Empowering Parents allows families to purchase the educational resources most likely to help their children succeed academically.
How much will eligible families receive?
Each eligible family will have access to $1,000 per eligible student, with a maximum award of $3,000 per family.
What can I buy for my student?
Participating Idaho families can use funds from their Empowering Parents account through the Empowering Parents online marketplace (Odyssey) to purchase:
-Educational materials, software, applications, curriculum, and other educational products-Computer hardware, internets access, and technological devices or services that are used to meet a participant's education needs-Fees for national standardized assessments, examinations for college, industry certifications, and advanced placement-Therapies, including occupational, behavioral, physical, speech-language, and audiology-Educational programsHow will parents or guardians be able to apply for the funds?
Parents and guardians can apply for an award by clicking the link below (Apply Now) and filling out the application through the Odyssey website. Once an application has been submitted and eligibility confirmed the awards will be made.
When will I know if I'm approved?
Awards will be announced in three waves, with families with adjusted gross incomes of $60,000 or less being funded first. The first award notices to families will be made within 30 days of a completed application. This will be followed by individuals with adjusted gross incomes of up to $75,000. The final wave will be issued to individuals with adjusted gross incomes of $75,000.
How do I use the funds with STEMfinity?
Once approved for funds, make your way to the "Marketplace" inside the Odyssey portal (Top Center). Then in the search bar type, STEMfinity. You will see a list of services provided, click on any one and then select "Request Enrollment". Shortly after we receive your request, you will receive a welcome email from us with next instructions on how to use the funds.
What products can I purchase through STEMfinity?
STEMfinity has over 10,000 vetted educational products. Including: Drones, Robotics, Computers, Arts, Math, 3D Printers, Makerspace, Circuitry, Electronics, Science Kits, and more. Most of our products are listed on our website. However, in order to best find the right solution for you, a dedicated STEM Expert will work with you to find exactly what you are looking for.
If I order from STEMfinity how soon will I receive my order?
Once we confirm your order and process it, most of our products will ship within days. We can also arrange for pickup at our offices in Boise.