Kemtec Science: Acids, Bases, and Salts, Microchem
- Target Grades: 9-12
- Number of Students: 24 students working in six groups of four
Students engage in three experiments to investigate the properties of acids, bases, and salts. First students use five solution indicators to explore the pH of acids and bases. Then they experience a micro-titration procedure for reacting acids and bases to form salts and learn the difference between strong and weak acids and bases. They also learn how a titration curve shows the endpoint or neutralization point for indicators. Finally, students apply the techniques they've learned to determine the concentration of acetic acid in household vinegar by titrating the weak acid with a strong base and using a phenolphthalein indicator. Includes all necessary chemicals and micro supplies for investigations. Required, but not included: distilled water.
Kit Contains:
- Instructor Manual
- Student Manuals
- Student Quiz Sheets
- Retort Stands
- Microplates (24 Well)
- Microplates (96 Well)
- Fine Tip Pipettes
- Medicine Cups
- Plastic Toothpicks
- Universal Indicator Charts
- Plastic Dropper Bottles
- Sodium Hydroxide Solution
- Acetic Acid Solution
- Ammonium Hydroxide Solution
- Acetic Acid Solution
- Hydrochloric Acid Solution
- Thymol Blue
- Bromothymol Blue
- Universal Indicator
- Phenolphthalein Solution
- Methyl Orange