School of Beats Lunch Box DJ System
- Grades: 5-12
- Number of Students: up to 2 at a time
- Hours of Curriculum: 14+
- Additional Documents: School of Beats Features & Benefits, School of Beats Curriculum Overview
PLEASE NOTE: This product includes in-person training for your staff at your facility. The total price for this product listed on this page does NOT include travel expenses for School of Beats staff.
Please contact sales@stemfinity to get a quote with the total price after all expenses for the School of Beats program. The option to conduct the training at the School of Beats HQ in Albuquerque NM is available upon request and will void the travel expense costs.
If you are ordering directly through the STEMfinity website a STEMfinity staff member will contact you after you place your order to confirm the total price with you before fulfilling the order. A School of Beats staff member will contact you after the order is placed to schedule training.
Get ready to turn it up with the School of Beats Learn-To-DJ Lunchbox DJ System!
School of Beats will teach your staff how to DJ the same techniques and workflow that the top pro DJs in the world use, through their STEAM based program. Additionally, School of Beats will teach your staff how to deliver that same curriculum to their students in person. The curriculum will cover topics such as Equipment Functionality, Phrasing, Mixing & Performance Preparation.
Your staff will receive on-site training from Walt White, the creator and curriculum designer of the School Of Beats Curriculums. Walt is one of the top DJ educators in the world. He designs custom DJ curriculums for 10-16 year old students on Traktor DJ software from Native Instruments. Traktor is used by some of the world's most famous and respected DJs.
Note: In the above video, Walt White talks about the entire School of Beats Curriculum Series, however, Stemfinity is currently only offering the SB101 Lunchbox system mentioned in the video.
The School of Beats DJ performance and music production programs are a trainer of trainer education platforms. School of Beats trainers will teach your staff how to DJ and deliver their cutting edge curriculum. Teachers will leave the training with a solid understanding of a typical DJ workflow and a basic understanding of equipment functionality so they can demonstrate the skills and techniques to the students in person.
Your program will receive one (or multiple upon request) turn-key DJ systems that are ready to teach or perform with when they arrive at your facility. The systems include a DJ Controller, MacBook Laptop (with clean edit music, DJ software and curriculum access), speaker, headphones and protective lockable case or cart.

Custom configured (10 hours labor per system) Macbook Pro computer with the following:
- Traktor Scratch Pro DJ Software with customized midi mappings for the Pioneer DDJ800 Controller specifically designed for simplified usage and instant gratification effects to accommodate a beginner adolescent student.
- Custom Configured Web Portal with access to online curriculum presentations, online teacher tutorials and file sharing portal for new music.
- Fully loaded 3000+ song DJ library. All music is clean DJ edits with perfect meta data, Camelot keys embedded, genre sorted and waveforms striped.
- Universal Login Account created to give access to Google Drive, Drop Box, School Of Beats eMail Address, Teamviewer, Ultimix, Apple and Native Instruments.
Pioneer DDJ800 DJ Controller w/1 year warranty
Pioneer DDJ800 DJ Controller Flight Case
Jawbone Bluetooth Speaker
1-Year Monthly Music Subscription Service from Ultimix with a 3 year backlog of 3000+ songs including classic packs & vocal loops. All music is sorted and custom edited to contain perfect meta-data such as key, bpm and genre.
24/7 Online Remote Support provided directly by creator and curriculum developer of the School Of Beats curriculums, Walt White, to any School Of Beats DJ system for repairs, supplemental tutorials or anything the DJ program might need.
24/7 Phone Support provided directly by the School Of Beats creator and curriculum developer, Walt White, to any School Of Beats DJ Program.
Licensed Access to School of Beats' custom learn to DJ tutorials for instructors to refresh their knowledge of DJ skills. These refresher tutorial videos are designed specifically to educate and assist adult teachers in delivering the curriculum in person in the classroom. All the same equipment and online presentations are used in both the SB101 student curriculum and teacher refresher tutorial videos.
Materials Summary:
Flight Travel Performance Case
Apple MacBook Air Laptop
School Of Beats Custom DJ Controller (DDJ 800 Pioneer)
Mobile Monitor Speaker ( Pioneer or Rokit )
DJ Headphones
SB101 Learn To DJ Curriculum Prezi Platform (6th-9th Grade Level)
Digital DJ Music Library (3,000+ Songs, Clean Billboard Hits & Classics)
Ultimix Music Subscription (1 Year)
Native Instruments Traktor Pro 3 DJ Software
Midi Mapping Files
Teacher Tutorial Videos
Lifetime Usage License for SB101 Curriculum
SB101 Staff Training - In Person 8hr Training At Your Facility or School of Beats' Facility
Remote Tech Support
Phone / eMail Support
Note: If the option to train at the School of Beats facility is selected it is the trainee's responsibility to arrive at the School of Beats facility at the schedule date and time. This includes any travel expenses incurred by the trainees to reach the School of Beats facility.