HADO AR Physical Esports Program

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HADO AR Physical Esports Program



What is HADO?

HADO is the world’s first augmented reality, physical Esport or Techno Sport.  Originating in Japan, it is now being launched across North America.  

It is a fast-paced, non-contact sport played by up to 6 players at a time (3 per team) inside an open physical game play area that we call the HADO Arena, which is about half the size of a tennis court.  It’s most often played indoors but is portable and can pop-up just about anywhere.

It requires a game operator (teacher or coach), Internet access, a system license and a Game Play Resource Set.  With a bit of open space, you’re ready to launch your HADO AR Physical Esports Program or School League.

The program allows for up to 24 students to rotate in and out of the Game Play Area at a time and may be utilized by an unlimited number of classes and students at your school or location for the duration of your program license term. 

The HADO Academy program is currently structured as a club to introduce HADO and HADO fitness through a series of hourly session.  Teachers or instructors can choose to use 1 lesson per day or per week; or combine, or split the sessions up depending on scheduling needs and the numbers of students they wish to work with.  HADO Academy Level 1 is currently comprised of 6 sessions. 


Rethink School Sports, PE, PBL, Esports and Afterschool Clubs!

While location-based, traditional sports bring participants together socially, encourage fitness, and are physically engaging, they often lead to exclusion and segregate participants by age, size, skill and gender.  Contact sports can lead to injury and with the addiction of screen-time, youth sports engagement is in decline. 

Conversely, while computer gaming and esports provides a more level playing field in terms of participation, it is still screen-based and can contribute to participant isolation, inactivity, and a disconnection from others – both physically and socially.


HADO Offers a Powerful Solution: Esports 2.0!

HADO crosses the boundary between sports and gaming and directly addresses both sets of problems.  Leveraging the benefits of physical sport and the unique levelling advantages of esports with the appeal of gaming, HADO brings the young and the young at heart together in real-life physical engagement in a unique way.  

HADO doesn’t segregate players by size, skill and strength.  It’s appealing to educators and parents, it’s physically active, it employs immersive AR technology, it’s designed to build community, and it offers up a unique project-based-learning experience opportunity that will set your school or program apart.

Looking to implement an AR Physical Esports Program or League with HADO?  

The STEMfinity HADO Academy bundle has everything you need to get up and running.  With instructional guides, setup and tech support, operating license, hardware, software apps and all related arena equipment, this program is being offered as a complete package to get your program launched smoothly. 

Perfect For: 

  • PE Classes
  • PBL Classrooms 
  • Specials and Electives
  • Project-Based-Learning Classroom
  • Afterschool Enrichment
  • School Breaks
  • Camps
  • Special Events
  • Field Days
  • STEM Days
  • Esports 
  • Intramural Team Sports
  • Recreation Centers
  • Fundraisers and Sponsorships 


Educator Support:

  • Live or virtual professional development support
  • Customer support 
  • Online member community for fresh teaching ideas 
  • Opportunities to participate in regional, national and international competitions 


Curriculum or Lesson Topics:

The HADO Academy Program introduces students to the exciting world of Technology Sports, powered by augmented reality and bridging the gap between gaming and physical sports.  Students rotate between activities in the HADO Court and the Training Area, engaging in exercises, routines and drills to learn the game mechanics and basic HADO techniques.  Additionally the program emphasizes the development of communication and teambuilding skills and has participants practice critical thinking, cooperation, effective communication, problem-solving, strategic thinking, leadership and coordination. 

Session Titles Include:

  • Intro to HADO Game Mechanics
  • Intro to the Player Zones and Roles
  • Role Changes and Teamwork
  • Training for Defense and Offense
  • Putting it all Together in a Mini Tournament 


What's Included:

1-Year access to HADO PvP Software Set (single server plus player apps, and Eye app) 

  • Software updates and IT support included (duration of the operating license)

*HADO Game Play Resource Package

  • 6 Head Mounted AR Displays (HMD) 
  • 6 Side Arm Displays with Wrist Straps (AMS) 
  • 2 AR Marker Wall Stands with Fabric Banners
  • 1 Field Adjuster Eye for Game Play Display (EYE)
  • Secure Storage and Transport Cases 
  • 1 Laptop Server and Router
  • All Peripherals including: charging hubs, cables, adapters 
  • 32” Display Monitor


*PLEASE NOTE: The complete HADO Academy bundle offers a total solution, which includes the Game Play Resource Package on loan for the duration of the operating license term.  This includes and covers accidental breakage, damage or failure (fix or replace at no cost).  Equipment will be upgraded as needed/determined by the vendor at no additional cost.  

The following are also included:

  • Most current program promotional materials and operating guide
  • Option for on-site setup and training (or remote support) 
  • No limit to how many students or classes may participate during the year 
  • IT support
  • System update/replacement option for the duration of the operating license
  • Invitation to participate in official HADO competitions (regional, national and international opportunities)


Additional Information and Resources:


    Technology Requirements and Specifications:

    School to provide the following:

    • Wi-fi connectivity (high speed not required, but requires a stable connection) 
    • Game play area of at least 6m Wide x 10m Long x 2.66m High [convert to feet]?
    • Speaker and microphone (optional for large events or competition) 
    • Additional monitor or projector with HDMI port (optional for spectator viewing and larger group events or competition)


    Special Notes & Considerations:

    Certain items may ship separately and directly from supplier/vendor.  Additional resources, promotional items and on-site training and professional development may be available by request.  Please contact sales@stemfinity.com for details and current pricing. 

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