Kemtec Science: ABO Blood Typing with Red Blood Cells
- Target Grades: 9-14
- Number of Students: Materials provided are sufficient for up to 36 students
This kit provides both the red blood cells and the antisera for demonstrating ABO blood typing agglutination reactions. Students will use the red blood cells provided, eliminating the need to draw blood samples. Includes instructions for two blood typing methods, and both slide and test tube blood typing are performed, compared, and contrasted. Includes enhanced instructor manual with student worksheets. This kit is drop ship only, and the blood cells included have a life expectancy of at least 20 days after arrival, but should be kept under refrigeration for best shelf life. Allow two weeks for delivery. Materials provided are sufficient for up to 36 students. Meets national standards for grades 9-12. Also appropriate for college level.
Kit Contains:
- Instructor Manual
- Student Data Sheets
- Anti-A Serum
- Anti-B Serum
- Anti-Rh Serum
- A Blood Cells
- B Blood Cells
- O Blood Cells
- Droppers