Lab-Aids: Variation - The Normal Distribution of the Characteristics of a Species Kit - STEMfinity

Lab-Aids: Variation - The Normal Distribution of the Characteristics of a Species Kit

Lab-Aids SKU: LAB-74R
Regular price $105.99
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Lab-Aids: Variation - The Normal Distribution of the Characteristics of a Species Kit

Variation in species and normal distribution are brought to life as students use LAB-AIDS‚® exclusive Variation Profile Tubes. They gain experience in constructing visual graphs, histograms and linear graphs from data collected by the entire class. The idea that greater validity of information gathered from a large sample versus a smaller sample is illustrated beautifully by comparing class results in the Variation Profile Tubes to the student's own histograms and graphs. This is an excellent activity for introducing statistics in science. Continuous and discontinuous variation is explained in the activity as well as the normal distribution of the bell curve".
Scientific Concepts:
  • Observe physical characteristics
  • Create a histograms and linear graphs from collected data
  • Discover the effects of pooling data
  • Explore variation in nature
  • Introduce to statistics and graphing

Content List:
  • 1 Teacher's Guide
  • 30 Student Worksheets and Guides
  • 13 Variation profile tubes
  • 1 Variation profile tube holders
  • 30 Jumbo striped sunflower seeds, Package

Classroom Planning:
  • To complete this kit requires one ~50-minute class period
  • Number of students: 30

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