National Science Teaching Association

National Science Teaching Association

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Homepage | NSTA

Professional Learning & Teaching Resources

NSTA supports science educators in deepening their knowledge base and enhancing their instructional practice through research-based professional learning.

Conferences & Events

NSTA hosts several face-to-face conferences and virtual events each year, offering the latest in science and STEM content, teaching strategy, and research to enhance and expand educators’ professional growth.

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NSTA publishes books, four grade-range-specific journals, an online journal that bridges in-school and out-of-school STEM learning, three e-newsletters, and the NSTA Blog, all in an effort to help educators elevate their science teaching and learning.


Awards and Competitions

NSTA hosts and administers several competitions for teachers and students, grants, and an awards program, honoring extraordinary individuals for their accomplishments and outstanding work in the science and STEM education field.


NSTA leverages its powerful national network to help connect educators with knowledgeable, like-minded peers and leading industry experts to share best practices and innovative teaching strategies and to collaborate on new ways to enrich students’ learning and increase equitable participation the science classroom.


NSTA serves as an advocate for science educators by helping to raise the profile of science education to promote respect and ensure investment that supports an equitable, high-quality science education.

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