Wooden Science Kits for Education and Recreation
Pathfinder's kits – designed by Derek Wulff – are made of natural, untreated wood, from Forest Stewardship Council (fsc) wood. They like to make innovative products that take time to make, work well, and look cool on the shelf. Yes, they are challenging, but without a challenge, where’s the fun?
About Pathfinders
Pathfinders is located in Metchosin, just outside of Victoria, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Their chief educator, Derek Wulff, teaches classes in the Victoria area, and does guest spots for science fairs and workshops across Canada, most recently with the Nellie McClung Girl’s Jr High program Science fair in Edmonton. They spend time with kids in schools, making and using the kits to see how well they deliver curriculum for teachers, and to make sure they are engaging and appropriate for both fun play and educational aspects. So far so good!

Pathfinders' Mission
Pathfinders is dedicated to creating compelling, innovative, wooden science kits that challenge children of all ages to explore the link between science, design, and technology in the world around us. They aim to help the student integrate knowledge gained from constructing the kits by providing links to educational resources to enhance their understanding of math and science as well as historical principles.
Pathfinders aims to provide such fun and interesting kits that they will be an attractive and desirable toy for anyone from a small child, to an executive planning a friendly take over.