Growing Plants. Growing Minds.
Farming The Future is the leader in providing all-in-one school garden kits, classroom grow kits, student take home grow kits and aquaponics.
About FTF
FTF provides dynamic learning solutions for K-12 institutions utilizing agriculture, project based learning and an online virtual teaching platform. Their programs engage learners with fun science projects, engineering problems to be solved, and interactive digital content. They are not just teaching standards, but also teaching how to integrate core science concepts with real world problems. Their programs integrate agriculture, sustainability and good nutrition with Next Generation Science Standards.
The FTF Belief
Farming the Future believes that agriculture is truly one of the most enriching fields for learning. Seeing plants grow from seed to their edible end product is a wonderful and empowering experience for students. Agriculture teaches science by learning to work with the local environment, or through attempts to control it during the course of experiments.
School gardens have been proven to affect change in a wide variety of fields including overall student health. Integrating gardens with core STEM concepts and comprehensive lessons has the potential to improve both academic achievement and social emotional learning.