**This resource has a 2-6 week lead time for fulfillment. Please contact
NOTE: This item is currently unavailable pending component availability.
sales@stemfinity.com if you have any questions
Did you build your own quadcopter with spare parts from the robotics club… or maybe the broom closet?
Now you can make it fly with The Drone Ranger® Propulsion Kit.
This kit includes everything you need to make your quad-motor drone take to the skies. You get four motors and electronic speed controllers & propellers, connectors and screws, remote control transmitter & receiver and flight computer with GPS and 2 batteries.
Safe, stable and reliable with built in safety features.
This kit uses a Pixhawk flight controller with all of the same safety features. It is an open source system with lots of capabilities.
We also include safety equipment and our complete line of Drone Ranger® educational videos for a fun and safe learning experience.
Note: your items may look slightly different based on manufacturers availability.
Shipping and handling will take 2-6 weeks.